Digital Marketing | Information Memorandum
First impressions really matter — how your audience perceives you is so important when wanting to stand out from your competition. Shaparency approached us wanting an Information Memorandum to send out to potential investors with the intention of raising capital ahead of launching their new platform. We absolutely love working on such projects that enable us to transform a standard Word document into a professional and impressive fully functional PDF that achieves the perfect first impression.
Shaparency already had their logo, one primary font, and an initial colour palette in place. With this in mind, subtle tweaks and new additions were made to these during the design process. Their primary font Gilroy used for all heading styles was accompanied by Proxima Nova for all body copy and some beautiful contemporary secondary colours were introduced that perfectly compliment the primary brand purple.
Shaparency’s mission is to transform the way companies manage governance and the entire shareholder experience. When considering the complexity of the platform, it was important to design every page in such a way that information wasn’t too overwhelming and could be appreciated in a concise and interesting way. This was achieved by breaking up the written content through the use of high-quality photographs, pull-out statistics, icons, infographics, tables, and charts. At the same time, each page was kept clean and contemporary by predominantly keeping a white backdrop throughout and carefully using each of the colours to highlight the most prominent written and visual information. The result? A really engaging, unique, and brand-consistent document that the team at Shaparency can be proud of.
Take a look at their brand guidelines, editorial design, and digital marketing collateral >>>